Sunday, January 3, 2021

Michael Meade: Despite All the Troubles of the World, Life Has a Chance to Begin Again

In many ancient traditions the year and the world were intertwined. The advent of a New Year renewed time, but also restored the potential of the living Earth. The world was known to renew itself all the time in the secrecy of forests, in the mystery of beehives, and also in the hearts of those who commit fully to life. Like the sun inexorably returning from the darkest point of the year, something deeply regenerative resides within the Earth and in the depths of imagination found inside the human heart. Despite all the troubles of the world, life has a chance to begin again, as a timeless moment brings a renewal of time and with it a return of life’s hidden potentials.
May the threshold of the New Year open before you in ways that reveal the hidden potentials of life and meaningful ways to contribute the meaning of life and the healing of both nature and culture."
Michael Meade

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