Thursday, November 12, 2020

Jeff Brown: Only From Here Can We Heal and Transform Our Species

This is so well articulated and powerfully and wisely said. We are all needed. It is truly time for the great arrival. — Molly

It's not about getting to the 'top of the mountain.' It's not about assessing your "higher power." It's not about transcendence. It's not about "rising above" the human condition. What it is actually about is getting to the depths of your being. Your truest power. Your feet planted on Mother Earth. Your humanness. Only from here can we know presence. Only from here can we heal and transform our species. There is no time left for dissociation and denial. No time left for self-avoidance that masquerades as awakening. If we don't get 'here' soon, we are not going to make it. It is time for the great arrival. Not from the Pleiadians. Not from the star-people. From the humans. From us. Right here. Right now. We don't need to rise. We need to deepen. We need to return to our bodies, and heal this bloodied species. Are you with me?

Jeff Brown

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