Thursday, November 12, 2020

John O'Donohue: Coming In From the Lost Islands of Desiccated Individualism

Our world desperately needs to come in from the lost islands of desiccated individualism and learn to stand again on the fecund earth where vibrant and vital interaction can happen between people.

Our world is facing so many crises ecologically, economically, and spiritually. These cannot be overcome by isolated individuals.

We need to come together. There is incredible power in a community of people who are together because they care, and who are motivated by the ideals of compassion and creativity.

When such a community develops and maintains its own vision, it will not fall into the trap of being prisoners of reaction and beginning to resemble more and more the opposition. It will not deconstruct in the introverted power games, but maintain its care and critical focus.

When such a prophetic community is nourished by prayer and animated by Divine Longing, the harvest of creativity and belonging which it can bring is unlimited.

John O’Donohue
Excerpt from Eternal Echoes

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