Friday, November 20, 2020

Jeff Brown: The New Cage Movement

This is something I deeply resonate with and find to be so spot on.

I’m aware of experiencing deep gratitude for recently discovering the work of Jeff Brown because of the gifts offered here which further support me and countless others on our paths into ever deepening integration, wholeness, and love.
Over the course of the past 38 years of my journey of healing, awakening, and transformation, I’ve been pulled into several false teachers and healers who ended up causing me harm and also, at times, a level of harm that infected and coursed through me which also hurt my own children. This was the greatest devastation.
While I’ve done a great deal of deep healing work around all of this, I was still lacking in a degree of language and clarity of wise and heartfelt framing related to those who present themselves as evolved and great healers, therapists, and teachers, but who in actuality further traumatize and wound. This occurs through their perpetuating that which fuels fragmentation and disassociation rather than healing and awakening the depths of our hearts through helping to midwife our journeys into greater wholeness.
I find in this body of work the language and greater understanding that I’ve longed for — more missing pieces to the sacred mosaic. So much makes deeper sense now. This includes having a New Age thinking loved one who’s been pulled into QAnon. Witnessing people in my life who experience a prolonged suffering that arises out of trying to rise above their stories rather than cultivate the experiences which empower us to use stories as medicine. There is truly no spiritual bypass over and around the deeply healing and transformation of the stories, experiences, and beliefs that have harmed us. 
I also reflect upon my own journey of healing and transforming trauma and what it’s taken to dismantle and emerge from the fog of my walls of disassociation and gradually grow in tenderness, compassion, and wholeness. At the same time, I observe all around us the impact of patriarchal disassociated spiritual beliefs and religious systems, the ripples of which have long caused great suffering to humans, other beings, and the Earth.
Much of what is described in this post are things that I’ve heard and, to some degree at times in the past, bought into. I now better understand the pull of these faux belief systems, and especially when we’re instinct injured, have untouched trauma and shame, and live in a culture which too often tells us to shut down, shut up, shut out, and “rise above.” All of this has such devastating consequences. Breaks my heart.
And I’m so grateful to have a heart today that can be broken open again and again and again, always clearing more space for love.
Deep bow of respect and gratitude for all that contributes to — rather than that which inhibits and harms — our deepening into fully embodied compassionate and loving human beings. — Molly

New Cage Movement: A term to describe the more ungrounded, dangerous and simplistic elements of the New Age movement, including but not limited to: wishful thinking mantras, spiritual bypass and premature forgiveness practices, superficial healing techniques, the perpetual denial of common sense realities, and the insistence on inflated, fantastical perspectives—‘Everything is an illusion,’ ‘It’s all perfect,’ ‘There are no victims,’ ‘Anger is a substandard emotion,’ ‘Everything that happens is meant-to-be,’ ‘All judgments are bad,’ ‘You chose your every experience and circumstance,’ ‘Your personal identifications are inherently false,’ ‘Just ask the universe for what you want...,’ ‘Everything you see and feel is a reflection of you,’ ‘There is no one to blame,’ ‘The ego is the enemy,’ etc. 
These perspectives have their place in certain circumstances, but taken too far—as they often are—become a prison of their own making, locking humanity in with its unresolved pain, obstructed from doing the real work by their addictive flights of fancy. 
On a relational level, New Cage connections are often woundmates, priding themselves in their seeming spirituality, but actually falling apart at the seams—unboundaried, ungrounded and controlled by all the unresolved emotional material that they have sought to avoid. In their determined efforts to float above the fray, they actually perpetuate and deepen their own suffering, and miss the opportunity to do the real work to become conscious together. 
The key to escaping New Cage prison is developing a willingness to do the real work to ground, embody and heal in authentic terms. There are no substitutes for genuine, hard-earned transformation. 
Jeff Brown
Excerpted from Spiritual Graffiti
Please go here for more information on Jeff Brown
his books, his journey, and his work:   

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