Sunday, November 22, 2020

Frank Schaeffer: Trump Deserves To Be Stripped of Citizenship and Deported

 WOW. Tears. So incredibly spot on, powerful, 
and needed!! — Molly

Trump deserves to be stripped of citizenship and deported My family knew the Bush family. Looking back, I can think of nothing that comes close to what Donald Trump is doing to stop President-elect Biden from taking part in Intelligence Briefings to prepare to defend us from COVID. In Hong Kong the other day, the Chinese Communist Party gutted the Pro-Democracy Movement from the Hong Kong Legislature. What does that have to do with us? A lot. One of the ousted members was quoted on the BBC, saying, “this wouldn’t have happened but for the mess in the United States.” The uncertainty being created by Donald Trump as he stands in the way of an orderly transition of power that every other president has participated in is damaging us both domestically and internationally. George W. Bush set the bar very high during his transition to President Obama when he gave the incoming administration everything they needed to get off to a flying start. Bill Clinton did the same. Every single President in modern times, out of loyalty to America, has set their ego aside and made possible a quick and seamless transition, regardless of Party, to the next President. Donald Trump has not. Nothing in my experience as a political activist has prepared me for this moment. We could foresee Donald Trump’s malignant narcissism rising up and pitting his own ego against the good of the United States. But in the context of the COVID epidemic, anything anyone in government does to exacerbate the death taking over America is a malicious act of homicide. Donald Trump deserves to be not only marched out of the White House, but *stripped* of his U.S. citizenship and deported from the U.S. Trump has lied about the very real danger of COVID. He has pitted us against each other instead of drawing us together to fight this epidemic, and now, by refusing to concede the election, he is committing treason against the United States and our traditions of democracy. He is no American. Trump deserves to be kicked across the border along with every last one of his enablers; his cohort of lick-spittle Senators on the Republican side of the aisle who are going along with this, not because they think he has a chance at changing the result of the election –they know he does not– but because these cowardly men and women are afraid to stand up to his followers, who will not elect them again unless they are as extreme and morally bankrupt as that narcissist is. Strip Donald Trump of his citizenship and throw him across the border and let’s see how he fares in a world that he has turned against America. He deserves no less.  

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