Friday, September 11, 2020

Climate Activists Target News Outlets for Failing to Truthfully Report the Climate Crisis

So vital to expose the devastating lies and silence, greed and collusion, disinformation and distractions, propaganda and doubt about human caused climate disruption and repeatedly spread the truth again and again and again! Deep bow of respect and gratitude to the climate activists from Extinction Rebellion and to all who are fighting the madness of the death spiral we’re in and choosing to instead stand in fierce loving protection of our Earth Mother and all of life! Molly

Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion targeted media outlets around the country and around the world on Friday to demand news organizations truthfully report on the climate emergency and stop financial conflicts of interest with fossil fuel companies. In Washington, D.C., activists staged a die-in in front of CNN’s offices.

Sophia: “As one of the most powerful news organizations in this country, CNN has a moral duty to tell the truth to the public. It has a moral duty to inform people about the gravest existential threat humankind has ever faced. CNN is failing to fulfill its moral duty. Instead of telling the truth, CNN takes money from the fossil fuel companies that lie to the public.”

Dozens of Extinction Rebellion activists in Britain were arrested as they blockaded access to printing presses of publications owned by Rupert Murdoch, who is also the owner of News Corp here in the U.S.

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