Friday, September 11, 2020

A Prayer

Infinite Spirit, when I pray each day
for shelter for the homeless,
let me not ignore the pet without a home;

As I ask for protection for those in areas
of turmoil and unrest, 
let me not forget endangered species of life;

When I pray that the hungry be fed,
let me be mindful that all God’s creatures 
have need of sustenance;

As I ask Divine assistance for those afflicted
by fire, flood, earthquake, storm or drought,
let me remember that this includes 
every living thing;

In seeking miracle cures for human disease,
may I also speak for the well-being 
of the planet itself. 

Let the words of my mouth,
the meditations of my heart
and the actions of my life be as one,
that I may live each day in harmony
With Mother Earth. Amen.
Jennie Frost Butler
  From Earth Prayers From Around
the World: 366 Prayers, Poems, and Invocations
For Honoring the Earth

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