Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Stop Sanders Movement Has Gone Public

This is profoundly disturbing and dangerous — and not surprising at all. More than my anger at the powerful elites and their insidious propaganda machines, and more than my grief around the complicity of millions of Americans who are unaware of their enabling of the incredibly dangerous neoliberal status quo, is my anger and grief knowing that if these efforts are successful in stopping Bernie Sanders and our grassroots movements of millions that the result will be a repeat of 2016 and 4 more years of Trump. This is what makes my heart hurt.
It is so glaringly obvious that the all out establishment collaboration to stop Bernie Sanders and our enormous grassroots movements by neoliberal democrats and other corporatists and oligarchs is NOT about stopping Trump and, if successful, will ensure a second term for Trump. It’s so very clear for all who look deeply that Trump is the symptom of the predatory neoliberal capitalist system that the powerful fiercely fight to maintain — no matter the cost to our country and the planet.
This shadow side of our nation is rising to the surface on full display for us all to witness this late stage greed by the powerful who will do anything — anything! — to obstruct the American government from actually being of, by, and for We the People. Perpetuating the status quo is deeply mired in preserving the power of the neoliberal plutocrats and completely obstructing any true possibility of authentic democracy.
We need to see through this toxic charade and fight back for the economic, racial, social, and environmental justice that we have always deserved and so urgently need if there’s to be any chance of pulling us off the trajectory that has us headed towards — not just 4 more years of Trump — but civilization collapse and extinction. Everything, absolutely everything, that we love and cherish is stake. — Molly

In the last 24 hours, the following things have happened in the Democratic presidential race:
1) Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg ended his campaign and he's endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden in a Texas rally tonight.
2) Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar decided to drop from the race and endorse Biden. She'll also be at that Biden Texas rally.
3) Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada) announced his endorsement of Biden, citing the former vice president's ability to "assemble the largest, most diverse coalition possible to defeat Trump and lead our country following the trauma of Trump's presidency."
4) Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, as well as a slew of other House members, former senators and former governors who represent states set to vote either on Tuesday or later this month, endorsed Biden.
This is what it looks like when the party establishment, deeply concerned about the prospect of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee against President Donald Trump, starts putting the necessary pieces in place to try to keep the Vermont democratic socialist from winning.
How large are their concerns? Within 72 hours of Biden winning his first state in the nomination fight -- a larger-than-expected victory in South Carolina -- the entire field of pragmatic/moderate/establishment types have left the race, with the exception of free-spending billionaire Mike Bloomberg.
And you can bet that if Bloomberg doesn't wind up with more delegates than Biden after tomorrow, the former New York City mayor will come under huge pressure to put his ego aside and get behind Biden too.
(Now that doesn't mean that Trump's Twitter claims implying that Democrats are trying to "take it away" from Sanders are accurate. There is nothing nefarious about endorsements and drop-outs, this is just Politics 101).
Asked about the movement on Monday, Sanders told reporters, "Look, it is no secret ... that there is a massive effort trying to stop Bernie Sanders, that's not a secret to anybody in this room. ... The corporate establishment is coming together. The political establishment is coming together and they will do everything. They are really getting nervous that working people are standing up."

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