Wednesday, March 4, 2020

If You Understand How Trump Defeated Clinton Four Years Ago, Do You Really Vote for Joe Biden?

It’s my belief that Trump vs Biden = 4 more years of Trump. It will indeed be a repeat of 2016 when they tried to run an establishment neoliberal candidate against Trump. Blaming those who were demanding change and switched from Bernie to Trump or didn’t vote at all is completely missing how many Americans were utterly done with the status quo of a government that was destroying them rather than serving them.

There is no stronger candidate than Bernie Sanders in mobilizing millions — the youth, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, all those who’ve long ago given up on our corrupt political system — exactly because Bernie has never been part of the neoliberal democrats or the neocon republicans who’ve long been acting on behalf of their wealthy donor friends rather than we the people and the planet. He’s been standing up to this deadly corruption in both major political parties for decades.

We need to engage all of the parts of the above electorate in order to beat Trump. There’s no way that Biden can do this because he’s absolutely part of the patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system that has brought us Trump, brainwashed and polarized millions, and will continue to push us towards civilization collapse and extinction.

Blaming those who are fiercely fighting and demanding radical changes now is also to collude with the merchants of death in the fossil fuel industry, the military industrial complex, Wall Street, the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the prison industrial complex, and other deadly wealthy interests who aren’t just destroying our nation and other nations, but also the possibility of sustaining a livable planet.

The world’s climate scientists give us 10 years to radically change our whole economic and political systems before we cross over into the place of no return. In 10 years I will be looking into the eyes of my children and grandchildren and telling them that I did everything humanly possible to save them and their futures. We’re simply out of time to settle for Trump or Biden or any neoliberal who will guarantee a perpetuation of the status quo which will render the half the Earth uninhabitable by 2050 and ensure the extinction of most life on Earth by 2100. We’re out of time. We’re out of time.

Tragically, for the millions of Americans who only turn to corporate funded mainstream media, they will continue to point fingers at Bernie Sanders and all the millions of us who are fighting to save our country and the planet. Only when it’s too late may you recognize the missed opportunity in 2020 to do what must be done to save ourselves.
— Molly

As Democratic establishment coalesces around Biden, 2020 primary starting to look a lot Like 2016.
As the Democratic Party's "moderate" (or shall we say "establishment") wing coalesces around Joe Biden to stop Bernie, the primary contest is starting to look a lot like 2016, when the same wing rallied around Hillary Clinton. 

Today, Mike Bloomberg quit the race and endorsed Biden—as has Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg. As the New York Times' David Leonhardt put it, "if you're a Democrat who doesn't want Bernie Sanders to be the party's nominee, your choice is now clear: you should vote for Joe Biden."

But suppose you're a Democrat who doesn't want Donald Trump to have a second term? Suppose you're a Democrat who suspects that Trump got elected in the first place because he exploited a deep sense of betrayal felt by tens of millions of Americans whose wages haven't budged in 40 years and who know the system is rigged for the benefit of those at the top? Do you really vote for Joe Biden?

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