Friday, February 14, 2020


I've been in a process of learning about the human caused global climate crisis for ten years. Today I understand how dire circumstances are and how imperiled life on Earth is. I recognize that we may have already crossed over into irreversible runaway climate catastrophe and that there may be nothing we can do to change our trajectory. And even though we have waited to the 13th hour, I also understand that there is a chance that we have not waited too long to save much of life on Earth. There are those who say it's too late, and those who say that this may not be true.

While I'm also conscious of the fact that we're at just the beginning of devastating climate disruption due to the 1 degree Celsius of warming that we're now experiencing — which is bringing us horrifying wildfires, droughts and floods, hurricanes and tornadoes, winter storms and summer heat, melting glaciers and rising seas, the displacement and desperation of millions, starvation and war over precious decreasing resources, and more — I'm also conscious that things are inevitably going to get much worse. How much worse may still be in our hands. I don't know. But what I do know is that if we stay the current course, we're due to hit 3 degrees of warming or more by 2050. Say goodbye to major coastal cities worldwide, to any kind of climate stability, to stable resources for food and water, and worse...

So the reality is that if we don't do everything humanly possible to get off fossil fuels and onto renewables as quickly as humanly possible through declaring a climate emergency, mobilizing humanity across America and the world, funding and implementing the Green New Deal NOW, radically transforming our economy and political and media structures so that they serve we the people and the planet and Not the .1%, and more — that our legacy to our children and all the children of all the species on Earth will be an uninhabitable planet.

There is only one presidential candidate whose plan mirrors the greatest imperatives of our time and all times and that is Bernie Sanders.

We've waited this long, despite dire warnings for decades now from climate scientists worldwide which of course have rarely reached us because of the obstructions of the fossil fuel industry and an entrenched predatory capitalist government and corporate funded media who serve the criminal greed of the .1% rather than the needs of humans, non-humans, and the Earth. This is what we're up against — this toxic power of the powerful who will only perpetuate the deadly status quo which works tirelessly to support and sustain that which is killing us all. If this isn't a definition of insanity and late stage addiction, I don't know what is.

AND we the people comprise 99%, which is certainly greater than the 1%. Our challenge is to wake up, to support each other in waking up, and to massively unite to save ourselves and the Earth.

Some people who identify as democrats get pissed off at what they think of as Bernie Sanders supporters because they believe that what our movements want are impossible, wrong, communist, socialist, bad, stupid. And the corporate funded mainstream media perpetuates this poisonous polarizing propaganda which turns us against one another and obstructs the consciousness we need in order to unite and work together towards transforming ourselves so that sustaining life on our Earth Mother becomes possible.

Discernment of truth is an imperative of our times. As Emma Goldman once stated, "Ignorance is the most violent element of a society."

I believe that humankind can evolve. I believe that we are capable of birthing a New World. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I know that I'm not the only one.


There is something that we all can do. This is a powerful quote by a friend whose courage and consciousness gives us a powerful glimpse into actions we can take now. And this is just one person's voice of truth...

"Look. This is what's going on. Telling non-Trump-supporting voters that we need to VBNMW [vote blue no matter who] if Bernie is cheated out of the nomination is a desperate attempt to hang onto one of these icebergs while it melts into the ocean. Seriously.
If we sit back & let Wall Street & the Billionaire Class steal yet another presidency by trying to force yet another centrist who's milquetoast on climate change to oppose Trump, it won't matter whatever happens in November. 
Instead of going around frantically demanding that voters vote in a way that anyone with a functioning frontal cortex knows ain't gonna happen, while insulting them (which is breathtakingly dumb), get out there & TALK BERNIE to people. Talk Reality. Talk Climate Change & Income/Wealth Disparity & all the other reality-based reasons that we need to show up during the Primaries & do whatever the eff we need to do to get this man into the White House.
Bernie's Green New Deal is the only climate policy out there that will address the enormity of this problem. If you're still thinking, "Well, it's just not pragmatic to try to stop this & save life on earth," then you should really just go crawl down into your hole in the ground & sit out this election with your thumb in your mouth.
A really good friend of mine just texted me with, 'Shall we have a drink together & talk about getting rid of Tom Perez?' NO! I'm too busy doing whatever the eff I can do to get Bernie into the White House. Host a debate watch party. Table outside a high-traffic grocery store. Table at a farmer's market. Door-knock. Phone bank. Travel to a swing state. WTH is wrong with us?! We're not going to drink our way out of the cheating by the Democratic Party. Stand up to them!"


This is the single greatest threat to humankind and to all life on Earth that we have ever faced. We're all needed. What will you do? — Molly


Half the solution is first coming to fully see the problem. For more information on the failure to address the climate and ecological crises, and what is urgently needed now, please go here:

Bill Moyers, What If Reporters Covered the Climate Crisis Like Edward R. Murrow Covered the Start of World War II?

Naomi Klein, Because "The House Is on Fire," Naomi Klein Takes Centrism-Obsessed Media to Task for Failed Climate Coverage

Greta Thunberg, Austrian World Summit Speech, Vienna 2019 —

Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein, and others, CJR Event on Covering Climate Change

"Call It a Crisis": New Report Details Failure of Cable and Network Outlets to Accurately Describe Climate Emergency —

Naomi Klein CRJ Nation Comments

“Who Is the DNC Loyal To?”: Dahr Jamail Questions DNC Veto of Primary Climate Debate, Interview by Amy Goodman of Dahr Jamail on Democracy Now! — which also illuminates the difference between what we see on NPR, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc. and true investigative journalism.

Noam Chomsky, "Worship of Markets" Is Threatening Human Civilization

For more information, 
please consider these books:

Bill McKibben, Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out —

Dahr Jamail, The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption

Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate

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