Friday, February 14, 2020

Caitlin Johnstone: The Belief That Is More Dangerous Than Trump Himself

Thank you to my wise friend Jason Espada for sharing this one with me. There is a depth of wisdom and truth here that is deeply needed. Among my deepest prayers is that courage and truth will be contagious and more and more of us will bravely open to cultivating consciousness of these larger pictures — something that is so essential if we’re to heal and transform ourselves and our hurting beautiful world. — Molly

Wanting things to go back to how they were before Trump is wanting things to go back to the conditions which gave rise to Trump. The belief that everything will be peachy keen once Trump is out of office is therefore more dangerous than Trump himself, because it guarantees more Trumps, and it guarantees that the underlying disease of which Trump is a symptom will remain uncured.
Treating a symptom doesn’t cure the disease. Believing that getting rid of Trump will fix America’s problems is like believing cough syrup cures tuberculosis.
The disease is the oligarchic imperialist dystopia which is tormenting millions and controlling billions all around the world. A movement toward health doesn’t look like not having to pay attention anymore, it looks like the exact opposite: becoming fully conscious of all the ugliest and most unpleasant to look at aspects of the thing that America has become. It looks like turning and facing all the bloodshed, genocide, white supremacy, oppression, exploitation, corruption and degradation which form the fibers from which that nation has been woven, deeply ingesting and grokking into their reality, and then healing them completely...
Caitlin Johnstone

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