Saturday, February 8, 2020

What the Trans Mountain Pipeline Will Mean For the BC Coast

This is so chilling and insane! Just absolutely suicidal! This is why my husband and I showed up yesterday to a rally near our home in Vancouver , WA to protest this madness.
This is why Ron and I are planning to attend our first workshop ever next month about engaging in civil disobedience and preparing to either get arrested or support others who plan to be arrested — putting their bodies on the line for our children and grandchildren and all children and all species and our Sacred Earth Mother.
I’m feeling myself evolve and deepen ever more fiercely in my commitment to stand up to greed and brutality and heartlessness AND stand for protection and reverence of life and the sustainability of a habitable planet.
Truly, we all are needed and have roles to play. What is yours?
With the abject unprecedented killing of life on Earth and the possibility of leaving our children and grandchildren a livable planet at stake, everything and anything that we do matters and matters deeply. Even “just” devoting ourselves to a profound commitment to truth — which is utterly necessary if we’re to pry our minds and hearts and actions lose from the poisonous propaganda we’re constantly bombarded with from Republicans and corporate Democrats and other special interests — can make a HUGE difference.
Because once we understand the peril we’re in and that the very lives of our children and all the children of all the species on Earth are extremely imperiled, then we will inevitably join the movements to dramatically change our world and dismantle the forces of death and birth together a caring world. Blessings to all our relations!! Lets stand together! 🙏 Molly

B.C. and First Nations oppose it, Alberta wants it badly – and after an ultimatum from a U.S. oil giant, Ottawa has bought it to build it themselves. The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion would bring billions in new revenue, but it would also mean an increase in coast-to-port tanker traffic, and with that, a risk of more oil spills. We follow a tanker as it threads the needle from Burnaby to the open ocean.
Please go here to scroll and view the enormity of the impact on this region if this pillaging of the Earth and her waters continues:

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