Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Onion: DNC Mulls Asking Donald Trump To Run as Democrat In Efforst To Stop Sanders

This is worth sharing again. This satire can make us laugh while also horrified at the mirror it presents into reality. The DNC and all the oligarchs are truly doing everything they possibly can to repeat 2016 — take down Bernie Sanders and guarantee us another devastating four years of Trump. This is poisonous suicidal insanity.
Gratefully Bernie Sanders and our national movements continue to grow exponentially because we realize that we’re fighting for the very lives of our children and grandchildren and all life on Earth.
It isn’t just Trump that must go. It’s the whole deadly predatory capitalist system and its ideology of domination that’s taken over all of the Republican Party and most of the Democratic Party that must go! This is why there’s a fierce insurgency happening within the Democratic Party! We are fighting to free ourselves from the stranglehold of all neoliberal predatory capitalists who are acting on behalf of their wealthy donor friends rather than we the people and the planet.
And what is more powerful than the greed of the powerful interests hell bent on preserving their power even at the cost of a livable planet? REVOLUTIONARY LOVE. And it is Revolutionary Love that is the core of our movements and all movements committed to economic, racial, social, and environmental justice.
Another world is possible! And it’s up to us to make it happen! The eyes of the children are watching. — Molly
WASHINGTON—As the beginning of primary season upped the stakes in their search for an alternative candidate, Democratic National Committee officials reportedly mulled Monday asking Donald Trump to run for president as a Democrat in an effort to stop Bernie Sanders. “He’s obviously not our first choice, but Trump has a track record of winning elections, not to mention he does well with the conservative voters we’ll need to swing some red states blue—if that’s who we need to ask to ensure Bernie doesn’t win, we’ll do it,” said DNC chairman Tom Perez, who had circled Trump’s name on a white board lising dozens of potential candidates the party could try to convince to jump into the Democratic Party primaries in order to obstruct a Sanders nomination. “This late in the game, we need somebody with name recognition and a built-in following, which Trump definitely has. He has political experience working with Republicans, which will help him win over moderate voters who are turned off by the idea of a socialist president. Plus, he’ll have the backing of the Democratic donor base, who generally prefer him to Sanders. Look, sometimes politics makes strange bedfellows, but I think I speak for party leadership when I say that we’d much rather see Donald Trump than Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee.” At press time, Perez was in negotiations to ensure Trump was on every Democratic primary ballot for Super Tuesday and changing the requirements to allow Trump to qualify for the next Democratic debate.

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