Monday, February 24, 2020

Nancy Pelosi: The Facts

These are the facts that we need to know. 
There are many reasons that I have long known
that Pelosi must go. These are among them. — Molly

So far during the Trump presidency, Nancy Pelosi has:
1. Passed a reauthorization of the Patriot Act that gives the federal government virtually unchecked power to spy on US citizens (despite her claims that the chief executive was dangerous to the country, she gave him MORE power).
2. Passed a military budget that was even BIGGER than the over-bloated amount Trump asked for.
3. Passed a new trade agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico on the eve of bringing articles of impeachment (giving Trump a big win in the process).
4. Overseen an overly narrow impeachment focused on issues that no one outside of DC and Democratic Party partisans really cares about, a process that resulted in all-time high approval ratings in the process.
In any sane organization, a leader with a record like this would be run out of town on the rails and never allowed within a mile of a similar position ever again. But the Democratic Party is apparently not a sane organization, because they seem intent not only on keeping her in that position, but praising her for her theatrics as some sort of grand #resistance when her actual record has been that of a wholesale enabler.

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