Monday, February 24, 2020

Mike Bloomberg: The Facts

These are the facts that we need to know. There are
too many reasons to name here which illuminate
the great danger of a Bloomberg presidency. 
These are among them. — Molly

Before any of my centrist and left-of-center compatriots get too wrapped up in Michael Bloomberg's extravagant media buy as some proof he's the best bet to face off with Donald Trump, keep the following things in mind: 
1. Bloomberg ran as a REPUBLICAN for NYC mayor the first time around. 
2. Bloomberg donated $11.7 MILLION to the campaign of Republican US Senator Pat Toomey in 2016, a race in which he ended up beating his Democratic challenger by less than two percentage points. Swing that race, and there's no Justice Gorsuch or Justice Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS. 
3. Bloomberg was a featured speaker at the 2004 Republican Naitonal Convention in which he thanked George W. Bush for invading Iraq. 
4. Bloomberg was the architect of the "stop and frisk" program in NYC that was naked racial profiling. 
5. Bloomberg still says that legalizing marijuana is "one of the dumbest things we could do." 
6. Bloomberg pressured members of the NYC City Council to overturn the old law that limited mayors to two terms in order for him to run for a 3rd term, and then turned around and supported a measure to restore the two-term limit. 
7. He has a net wealth of around $50 BILLION, making him the 9th richest person in the US. And as Max Alvarez pointed out recently, despite his claims that by refusing outside campaign donations he's immune to special interests, that vast fortune makes HIM a huge special interest dedicated to maintaining the same policies that allowed him to amass such a vast fortune (which typically involve keeping workers down).

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