Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sanders Takes Double-Digit Lead in New Hampshire Poll After 14 Point Jump Since December

Every single piece of good news fills me with hope and deep gratitude. The power of our Loving Revolution grows day by day!
Despite the poisonous power of the uber-rich and massive propaganda and brainwashing of the American people, more and more of us are informing ourselves and understanding that our movement is about so much more than defeating Trump, which I know that Bernie Sanders can do. This is about dismantling the whole patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system and transforming the ideology of domination to one of Partnership, which Riane Eisler writes so masterfully about.
Our political-spiritual revolution is committed to treating the roots of what has brought us Trump, the climate and ecological crises, the extreme redistribution of wealth upwards, the sixth major extinction, endless wars and violence, crushing poverty and suffering, a system of healthcare rooted in greed and brutality and deprivation of care, a criminal justice system that is in itself criminal rather than just, and on and on.
We the People are increasingly embracing this paradigm shift, this evolutionary leap, this Great Awakening that is upon us.
These are amazing times that are so much bigger than Sanders vs Trump or Sanders vs the Corporatocracy. This is truly about the evolution of humankind into a species that is awakening from its long slumber and growing into our vast potential for consciousness, compassion, courage, generosity, and love. 🙏 Molly

"Prepare for establishment meltdown."
Sen. Bernie Sanders jumped out to a double-digit lead over his 2020 Democratic presidential rivals in a poll of likely New Hampshire primary voters released Thursday—less than three weeks ahead of the state's Feb. 11 primary.

"Bernie Sanders might be peaking at just the right time," wrote Anthony Brooks of Boston NPR affiliate WBUR, which sponsored the new poll. According to the survey, Sanders has the support of 29% of likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters, a 14-point jump since December 2019.

Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg polled in a distant second place at 17% support. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) placed third and fourth with 14% and 13% support, respectively.

Steve Koczela, president of the MassINC Polling Group that conducted the survey, told WBUR that Sanders' presidential campaign shouldn't "take these numbers to the bank."

"But you've got to be feeling pretty good about where you stand right at this moment if you're the Sanders campaign," Koczela added.

The poll results are based on a survey of 426 likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters between January 17-21. The margin of error for the poll is +/- 4.8 percentage points.

New Hampshire Poll (Change since December) Sanders: 29% (+14) Buttigieg 17% (-1) Biden 14% (-3) Warren 13% (+1) Klobuchar 6% (+3) Yang 5% (-) Gabbard 5% (-) Steyer 2% (-1)

The New Hampshire poll came just a day after Sanders took the lead nationally for the first time in CNN's Democratic primary survey, besting Biden by three percentage points.

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