Thursday, January 23, 2020

'Act as if You Loved Your Children Above All Else': Greta Thunberg Demands Davos Elite Immediately Halt All Fossil Fuel Investments

Every single piece of good news fills me with hope and deep gratitude. The power of our Loving Revolution grows day by day!
Despite the poisonous power of the uber-rich and massive propaganda and brainwashing of the American people, more and more of us are informing ourselves and understanding that our movement is about so much more than defeating Trump, which I know that Bernie Sanders can do. This is about dismantling the whole patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system and transforming the ideology of domination to one of Partnership, which Riane Eisler writes so masterfully about.
Our political-spiritual revolution is committed to treating the roots of what has brought us Trump, the climate and ecological crises, the extreme redistribution of wealth upwards, the sixth major extinction, endless wars and violence, crushing poverty and suffering, a system of healthcare rooted in greed and brutality and deprivation of care, a criminal justice system that is in itself criminal rather than just, and on and on.
We the People are increasingly embracing this paradigm shift, this evolutionary leap, this Great Awakening that is upon us.
These are amazing times that are so much bigger than Sanders vs Trump or Sanders vs the Corporatocracy. This is truly about the evolution of humankind into a species that is awakening from its long slumber and growing into our vast potential for consciousness, compassion, courage, generosity, and love. 🙏 Molly

"I've been warned that telling people to panic about the climate crisis is a very dangerous thing to do, but don't worry—it's fine—I've done this before and I can assure you: it doesn't lead to anything."

Climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed the world's elite face-to-face at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday where she called on leaders to end their abhorrent and irrefutable failures on the climate emergency and demanded participants "from all the companies, banks, institutions, and governments" in attendance to immediately halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction, end fossil fuel subsidies, and divest from all fossil fuels.

"We don't want these things done in 2050, 2030, or even 2021," Thunberg said. "We want this done now.

"One year ago, I came to Davos and told your that our house is on fire," she told participants at the annual gathering in Switzerland. "I said I wanted you to panic. I've been warned that telling people to panic about the climate crisis is a very dangerous thing to do, but don't worry—it's fine—I've done this before and I can assure you: it doesn't lead to anything."

Speaking shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump also spoke at the annual summit, hosted by the World Economic Forum, Thunberg rejected the false solutions and half-measures that elected leaders continue to offer even as they allow emissions to increase, new drilling projects to begin, and prove how unserious they are in the face of the looming and existential crisis.

"We don't need to 'lower emissions'—our emissions have to stop," she said, "if we are to have chance to stay below the 1.5°C target" set forth in the Paris climate agreement.

"And until we have the technologies that at scale can put our emissions to minus, then we must forget about 'net zero.' We need real zero," Thunberg said. "Because distant 'net zero' targets will mean nothing if we just continue to ignore the carbon dioxide budget that applies for today not distant future dates. 

If high emissions continue like now even for a few years that remaining will be completely used up."

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