Monday, December 30, 2019

Politico: Democratic Party Insiders Now Think Sanders Could Win Nomination

I think it’s worth affirming again and again that there is a larger picture here. It’s my experience that there is a spiritual force behind the momentum, stamina, and strength of Bernie Sanders and our movements for justice, peace, transformation, and love which are growing daily in America and around the world. This is so much bigger than Bernie Sanders or any one human being. As I step back, what I see is that we are in the midst of an evolutionary leap, one which seeks to benefit all humans, non-humans, and the Earth herself. This is about standing up to the forces of greed and ignorance and choosing to unite to heal the heart and health of the planet and all of life. Never underestimate the power of Revolutionary Love. 🙏 Molly

In U.S. election news, Politico reports that Democratic Party officials and insiders — including Hillary Clinton allies — now say it’s possible that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders might win the party’s presidential nomination. Party insiders had largely written off Sanders’s campaign. But in recent weeks some have reconsidered his chances, as Sanders continues to rise in the polls while candidates like Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren have dropped in national and state surveys. Democratic California state Senator Scott Wiener told Politico that Sanders has been “more resilient than I anticipated. … [H]e has a very, very loyal following, and people have really stuck with him.” 

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