Monday, December 30, 2019

Bernie Sanders’ Doctors Say He Is Fit To Serve As President After Heart Attack

I also experience that there is a larger picture here. It’s my belief that there is a spiritual force behind the momentum, stamina, and strength of Bernie Sanders and our movements for justice, peace, transformation, and love which are growing daily in America and around the world. This is so much bigger than Bernie Sanders or any one human being. As I step back, what I see is that we are in the midst of an evolutionary leap, one which seeks to benefit all humans, non-humans, and the Earth herself. This is about the heart of the planet and all of life. Never underestimate the power of Revolutionary Love. 🙏 Molly

By Jacob Pramuk

About three months after Sen. Bernie Sanders had a heart attack, doctors said the 78-year-old presidential hopeful is fit to serve in the White House.

“At this point, I see no reason why he cannot continue campaigning without limitation and, should he be elected, I am confident he has the mental and physical stamina to fully undertake the rigors of the Presidency,” wrote Martin LeWinter, an attending cardiologist at the University of Vermont Medical Center, in one of three doctors’ assessments the Sanders campaign released on Monday.

Questions about age and health have swirled around the 2020 Democratic presidential primary field as three septuagenarians run near the front of the pack. The campaigns of 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden and 70-year-old Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., have also released medical summaries saying the candidates are fit to serve as president.

The campaign of another primary hopeful, 77-year-old Mike Bloomberg, also released a medical summary saying the former New York City mayor is in “outstanding health.”

Sanders, who had stents inserted in October following a partial artery blockage, has resumed normal campaign activities. The independent senator from Vermont is “in good health” and has “been engaging vigorously in the rigors of [his] campaign, travel and other scheduled activities without any limitation,” wrote Brian Monahan, who has been Sanders’ doctor in Washington for 29 years.

Sanders saw cardiologists in Vermont in November and December following the heart attack, Monahan said. The senator has not had symptoms of congestive heart failure and tests show no “significant” heart rhythm abnormality, according to the physician.

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