Monday, July 8, 2019

Rethinking the 4th of July

This excellent piece is so spot on, powerful, illuminating, and needed.
Every year, as I become a little more aware and awake, I grow even more uncomfortable and sad, truly sad (as I’m feeling right now as I listen to fireworks going off), about the lie that is perpetuated every 4th of July. What’s been happening for me is that I’ve been chipping away at my own ignorance and illusions and indoctrination into the lie inherent in all the patriotism and nationalism embedded in this holiday (and so much more).
And gradually I’ve been growing increasingly empathically conscious. Today my heart connects with the hearts of others who are suffering in the midst of all the celebrations and barbecues and sounds of fireworks exploding — African Americans, Native Americans, veterans of war, animals, the millions of homeless and poverty stricken human beings, refugee children and families imprisoned and living in torturous conditions on our border, and on and on. And my heart breaks.
So we need to get the truth out and put away our flags and fireworks and stories that perpetuate the lie of our greatness. Because that lie only serves to perpetuate so much ignorance and suffering and disconnect from reality.
Let us instead come together to work to create a nation that is truly just and kind. We need a new American dream — and one that does not limit ourselves to the dream of one nation. Instead let us birth a New Story grounded in values that feed our hearts, minds, and souls and increases our sense of conscious connection with all of life. We cannot harm that which we experience we are part of rather than apart from. Let us grow our capacity to love. Let us envision and work towards that. Then we will truly have something to celebrate. 🙏 Molly

By Bill Bigelow
In Portland, Oregon, where I live, the 4th of July holiday offers an excuse for a wonderful annual blues festival in Waterfront Park downtown. Unfortunately, in my neighborhood, it also provides cover for people to blow off fireworks that terrify young children and animals, and that turn the air thick with smoke and errant projectiles. Last year, the fire department here reported 260 fires sparked by toy missiles, defective firecrackers, and other items of explosive revelry during the 4th of July “fireworks season” from late June through early July.
Veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are also at risk. “The sounds of repeated explosions can trigger fits of anger or suicidal thoughts,” warns the Blinded Veterans Association. And there are other health effects of fireworks. The Washington State Department of Ecology warns that “Breathing fine particles in fireworks smoke can cause or contribute to serious short- or long-term health problems. They include: Risk of heart attack and stroke. Lung inflammation. Reduced lung function. Asthma-like symptoms. Asthma attacks.”
Apart from the noise pollution, air pollution, and flying debris pollution, there is something profoundly inappropriate about blowing off fireworks at a time when the United States is waging war — and underwriting war — with real fireworks around the world. In just one example,, which monitors civilian harm from airpower-dominated military attacks, found that almost 30,000 U.S.-led air strikes in Iraq and Syria over the past four years killed at least 6,321 civilians. The pretend war of celebratory fireworks thus becomes part of a propaganda campaign that inures us — especially the children among us — to current and future wars half a world away.  

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