Monday, July 8, 2019

Nancy MacLean: The Right's Plot To Totally Rule Over Us

Such vital information for everyone. Deep bow to Nancy MacLean. 🙏
As my friend Brian Lacy illuminates, Charles Koch and A.L.E.C. are only 4 states away from a state-based coup … and their global stealth objectives! Nancy MacLean’s “Democracy in Chains” describes what has long been happening that imperils our nation and — given that we’re all connected — the planet.
I hold deep, deep respect, gratitude, and appreciation to Nancy MacLean and to those truth-tellers and fierce peaceful warriors for a just world whose courage to know and not turn away is breathtaking and such a profound gift to us all. I now have 3 books on my list to purchase the next time I go to Powell’s — Chris Hedges most recent book, Riane Eisler’s latest book coming out this month, and this one by Nancy MacLean.
May curiosity and courage to understand ever deepening layers of what is happening to us, our country, and our planet be contagious! May we all help inform and inspire each other! We’re all in this together. 🙏 Molly

Nancy MacLean, Professor of History, reveals the Radical Right's stealth plan to use their wealth and think tanks to replace our democracy of rule for and by the people to one for and by the rich.
This is a 58 minute edit for cablecasting on Public Access channels of her longer talk with Q & A at


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