Sunday, June 23, 2019

'We Are Unstoppable, Another World Is Possible!': Hundreds Storm Police Lines to Shut Down Massive Coal Mine in Germany

This one absolutely makes me cry. My heart is so full, so very full, of gratitude! Look at these amazing human beings! Just look! They are doing what we all need to be doing. They are standing up to the forces which are dooming life on Earth!
One of my many heroes, Bill McKibben, spoke of how the time for sitting back is long over. We need to be hitting the streets. We need to engage in civil disobedience and be willing to be arrested. We need to put our bodies on the line. I am so inspired by the these hundreds of activists working to save our planet by putting their bodies on the line.
If there is ever a mug photo of me in my future, I'll be sure to proudly post it. We need to care. We need to be courageous. We need to do everything humanly possible to transform our nation and our world into one which cares for life rather than destroys it.
And doing deep research, speaking the truth, and doing what I can is the only way that I can face my children and tiny grandchildren. They will know in their deepest heart of hearts that their Grammie did what she could to stand in protection of them and their futures. — Molly

Activists run towards the Garzweiler open-cast mine. The protests for more climate protection in the Rhineland continue.

Hundreds of climate activists stormed a massive open-pit coal mine in Germany on Saturday, entering a standoff with police inside the mine while thousands of others maintained separate blockades of the nation's coal infrastructure as part of a week-long series of actions designed to end Europe's dependency on fossil fuels.

Coordinated by the Ende Gelände alliance, the campaigners targeting the Garzweiler mine in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia as they evaded security forces across roads and fields before reaching the pit and descending its banks.
"We are unstoppable," the activists declared, "another world is possible!"

"This is not only about coal power," said Sina Reisch, spokeswoman of Ende Gelände, in a statement. "This is about changing a destructive system that is based on the quest for infinite economic growth and exploitation. We are fighting for a future in which people count more than profits."

Climate justice activists protect themselves from the sun with rescue blankets after they have been encased in the Garzweiler opencast mine by police officers and vehicles of employees of the opencast mine after breaking through a police blockade. The protests for more climate protection in the Rhineland continue.


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