Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Joe Biden: An Imperial Corporatist Wrapped in the Bloody Flag of Charlottesville

This morning I heard Paul Street speak on David Barsamian's Alternative Radio https://www.alternativeradio.org/. It was excellent! And the talk I listened to inspired me to look up more information about Paul Street. This is but one of his many illuminating and important articles. I also remain so grateful for my insatiable curiosity to know what I do not know, to peel back the layers of my illusions, and to be increasingly Conscious. With consciousness comes truth, understanding, wisdom, love, kindness, fierce compassionate action, and ever widening circles of caring. Again and again and again I bow deeply to all who help me see beyond the limits of my present awareness and to evolve. And David Barsamian is among those who have for many years introduced me to countless courageous and amazing truth-tellers and visionaries. Today it was Paul Street. Deep, deep bow of gratitude! The truth shall set us all free! May curiosity, courage, and truth-seeking and truth-telling be contagious! Molly

 By Paul Street
Besides being a grabby old coot who needs to stop joking about complaints over his serially inappropriate touching of females, Joe Biden is a grinning neoliberal sell-out who stands well to the right of majority progressive public opinion. No elegantly crafted three-and-a-half minute campaign launch video on the horrors of Charlottesville and Donald Trump can change that essential fact.
The media trope that portrays “Lunch-Bucket Joe” Biden as a regular, down-to-earth guy who cares deeply about regular folks is pure, unadulterated bullshit. His real constituents wear pinstripe suits and works on Wall Street and in corporate headquarters. They fly around in fancy private jets. And the supposed “everyman liberal” Joe Biden is their loyal apparatchik.
“The Folks at the Top Aren’t Bad Guys”
It’s not for nothing that Biden relies on big money backers, not small and working-class donors – and that he is an especially close ally and beneficiary of Washington lobbyists. He has spent decades ripping on progressive “special interests” while joining with Republicans to advance policies harmful to the working-class.
In 1978, Biden worked for Wall Street by voting to rollback bankruptcy protections for college graduates with federal student loans. Six years later he did the same to vocational school graduates. In 2005, he worked with Republican allies to pass the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, which put traditional “clean slate” Chapter 7 bankruptcy out of reach for millions of ordinary Americans and thousands of small businesses. The bill put bankruptcy filers under far stricter Chapter 13 rules, turning countless citizens into de facto indentured servants of finance capital (including the many credit card companies headquartered in Delaware.) Biden backed an earlier version of the bill that was too corporatist even for Bill and Hillary Clinton.
He voted against a bill that would have compelled credit card companies to warn customers of the costs of only making minimum payments.
In 1979, Biden recognized campaign donations from Coca-Cola by cosponsoring a bill that permitted soft-drink producers to skirt antitrust laws. That same year he was one of just two Congressional Democrats to vote against a Judiciary Committee measure to increase consumers’ rights to sue corporations for price-fixing.
Biden strongly supported the 1999 Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, which permitted the re-merging of investment and commercial banking by repealing the Depression-era Glass–Steagall Act. This helped create the 2007-8 financial crisis and subsequent recession.
Biden naturally supported the corporate-neoliberal North American Free Trade agreement and the globalist investor rights Trans-Pacific Partnership deal.
All of this and more in Biden’s record is richly consistent with the beginning of his political career. He’s been an unapologetic corporatist from the start. 
For more information, please also go here:

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