Sunday, June 16, 2019

Joanna Macy: Choosing Life

My husband and I had the incredible joy of happening upon this 2013 talk on TV the other night. WOW! What an amazing gift! Joanna Macy spoke about so many things that hold such profound wisdom and value. This includes how essential it is for humanity to take a giant leap in consciousness. This includes our need to embrace “positive disintegration,” a process of allowing the old ways of knowing and thinking to die away in order that our much, much greater Selves can emerge and embody what it is that we came here to do. Joanna also spoke of how we are all part of the very beginnings of life all the way through to all the life that is yet to be — we are all connected with and part of this greater whole. And we all possess a tremendous responsibility to those of the future. And Joanna spoke with eyes welling with tears of how hard it is to be a grandparent and to know what our grandchildren are faced with. But know we must!! Joanna Macy has long been my heroine. I love her so much. She has inspired me again and again and again to allow my heart to break open, to know what I know, to speak the truth, to care so deeply about all of life, and to do my part in healing myself and our world. I hope you will listen to Joanna here and consider sharing. Thank you. 🙏Molly

Deep Ecology extends an inalienable right to life to all beings. A systems theorist, author and lifelong activist, Joanna Macy describes how healing the world and healing your heart and soul go hand in hand. This talk took place at the 2013 Bioneers National Conference and is part of the Protecting and Restoring Nature Collection, Vol. 1.

For more on Joanna Macy, please go here:

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