Sunday, June 16, 2019

David DeGraw: Our Economic System Is Fundamentally One Giant Extraction Scheme

This is incredibly spot on. These are the facts that we need to know. And any politician who isn’t talking about the oligarchy America has become — and the vital need to challenge and stop the immoral and extreme redistribution of wealth upwards — is part of the neoliberal corporate structure. We need to stop voting for corrupt politicians! We need to intervene on and end the propaganda that late stage corporate capitalism is good and democratic socialism is bad. Such insanity. There is a great need for us to inform ourselves by using resources of integrity and a profound commitment to truth. May we all come together to be part of the growing national and global movement to radically transform ourselves and the cultural stories and values we live by to ones which protect, honor, bless, and care for life. — Molly

While workers w/ stagnant & declining wages take on ever-increasing debt to keep up w/ the skyrocketing cost of living "those getting nearly free money from theFederal Reserve are piling up trillions of dollars in gains."
"How is the Fed's free money for financiers not commoditized, institutionalized fraud?"
"Those who can borrow outlandishly large sums at a discount are in effect being given the tools to defraud the financial system and all the other players who aren't as close to the money spigot of the central bank.”
Charles Hugh Smith breaks down how fraud has been institutionalized & normalized as Business as Usual... (link in comment section)
For one example of many…
“How is charging 20% interest on a credit card balance while financiers pay 2% not commoditized, institutionalized fraud?"
"The cover for this fraud is particularly rich: the high credit risk of the credit card holder demands a high rate of return, while the 'low-risk' financier gets 2% financing to blow up the entire financial system and get bailed out by the taxpayer."
"Normalizing and institutionalizing fraud undermines the foundations of the economy and the financial system. Calling these commoditized frauds business as usual doesn't mean they won't destroy the system from the inside."
In other words… what CHS is essentially saying, IMO, we don’t have "free-market" capitalism, our economy has devolved into a system of oligarchic extraction.
Our economic policies are blatantly systemically corrupted… our economy is fundamentally, deliberately designed to enslave the population in ever-increasing debt… this is now an easily proven undeniable reality…
All-time record-breaking debt is now exploding at a record-breaking pace across every sector of the economy... we are now in a debt death spiral... the global oligarchy has us in checkmate...
Our economic system is fundamentally one giant extraction scheme... any politician who does not make this clear to you is either in on the corruption or tragically inept.

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