Thursday, May 9, 2019

What Tanked the Last Election AND Where We Go From Here

This post is excerpted from another recent post I wrote: The below is but a snapshot into the larger picture of my perspective of how we got to where we are today. And it's actually about much more than just what "tanked" the last election. I also believe it important to add this article and brilliant video to the conversation: There are so many layers to uncover. A rule of thumb that I embrace for myself is that there is always more to see and understand beyond what I am aware of today. This keeps me curious and seeking to lift yet another layer of my illusions. Meanwhile, there has been a lot going around that may unintentionally serve to try to keep us quiet and not seeking the deeper layers and roots behind where we find ourselves at today. Yet, I believe that it is exactly the truth that shall set us all free. Otherwise we will continue in the spiral of repeating the same unlearned lessons over and over again. And there is no time left to continue on the road we've been on for so long. It is leading humanity off a cliff and taking all of life's inhabitants with us. Another world is possible. Let us work together to birth her. — Molly

My own ongoing process of awakening leads me each day to greater conscious awareness. This has certainly been true in my understanding of what actually "tanked" the last election. I have found that the answers are many layered and interrelated. Among them is 40 years of neoliberalism that has poisoned our political system, our media, our nation and planet, and disillusioned so many potential voters who chose to stay home rather than vote. (Please go here for my most recent blog post on neoliberalism and watch Part I of the video series: 

In his latest excellent documentary, Michael Moore also addressed some of the tragedy behind why so many who voted for Obama became deeply disillusioned with Obama and the power structures and betrayals of our political system and did not vote. (Please go here for the trailer if you've missed it: In addition, there’s the electoral college and voter suppression and disenfranchisement. And there were the influences of Russia, misogyny, racism, right wing propaganda, ignorance and brainwashing, DNC propaganda and the corporate Democrats' actions to crush Bernie Sanders, the corporate media’s spin and complicity and near blackout in reporting about Senator Sanders, the DNC’s insistence on putting forth a “moderate” who would continue the status quo and whose record on policies was deeply flawed and disturbing, and on and on. There are many layers of what brought us Trump, some of which go back decades.

So these and other issues are not separate but rather are all woven together in a great tapestry which brings to us in vivid color what it is that is working and what it is that is absolutely not working and hasn't been working for a very long time. We need to recognize the large financial power structures that are behind those who want us to believe "anyone but Trump" and that the low bar of "better than Trump" is acceptable. These corporate interests tell us to shut up! and not expose the truth about any potential candidate's corporate ties. We are to shut up and definitely not follow the money. We are to be loyal to the Democratic Party — the old guard of corporate democrats — and to not "disparage" anyone who is plans to challenge Trump. (This is code for don't speak the truth or do anything that would threaten the enormous financial interests which have completely taken over the Republican Party and most of the Democratic Party. Although that is changing!) We are to speak for the powerful rather than hold the powerful accountable. This old story completely misses the larger picture that this exact belief system is part of what puts us at the greatest risk of ushering in another horrifying four more years of this profoundly dangerous demagogue. 
At the same time, we are fed information that we Americans are supposed to care only about issue A, B, or C, which completely misses the truth that our individual and collective hearts, minds, spirits and souls are big enough to contain it all. We can Think Big and work together to address all the interlocking pieces of what is the root of our national and global trauma and peril. We can work together as a national and planetary community to expose and transform all that threatens us — which, again, is so much more than Mr. Trump alone. Each and every one of us can commit to exploring what is our part in the unfolding Great Awakening? What will we do (me and you and all of us)? How will we grow wise, informed, and conscious enough to know which road we are choosing?, and especially given the critical nature of the crossroads we are at? We are indeed standing now where two roads diverge and our choices and the ripples we create with our choices matter. They matter greatly.
In the process of increasingly connecting with the wisdom of our greater Selves and the Web of Life, we come to know that it is not possible to extract one issue and focus on it without focusing on all the others, too. There is a connecting thread that weaves together the trajectory that we have been experiencing over time, linking together all of these issues and beyond into one big Whole — the Whole of our planetary existence together and whether or not we are caring for ourselves, each other, and our planet. 
Riane Eisler, author of the internationally renown and life changing book The Chalice and the Blade ( and many other books, brilliantly and masterfully speaks to this when she talks about Dominator Culture and Partnership Culture. (Please go here for an excellent article about breaking out of the domination trance: And, of course, Indigenous Peoples worldwide have always known and honored the Web of Life. To our great and tragic peril, we have ignored the wisdom of Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples worldwide for far too long. 
It is time to choose the road less traveled. There is no time left to do otherwise if we are to take the actions needed to preserve our Earth. 

Bless us all,

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