Thursday, May 9, 2019

A Safe Candidate?

The quote below comes from a friend of a friend and is spot on. In posting this, the furthest thing from my intentions is to "smear" anyone. However, I recognize that we Americans are a highly propagandized people and I fully own that I have been in recovery from my own indoctrination, ignorance, and illusions for many years now. I also believe that the truth of Emma Goldman's wise words are intensely relevant to today (and throughout all time): "The most violent element in society is ignorance." In this regard, I believe that we can all be truth-seekers and spreaders of truth, the truth of larger pictures. We need to stop buying the package without knowing what its true contents are. And we need to know the contents, we urgently need to know. — Molly


I am not that angry at Biden. After all, he is not hiding the fact that he is the same Biden we have known for a long time a mediocre "nice guy" devoted to the corporate-managed status quo. But I AM really miffed at the media and the opinion leaders of the middle AND of the Left.

Why? for giving this guy a free ride and anointing him as "the obvious front-runner". We may need a savior to recharge our spirits with vision and bring common sense to this chaos. BUT I HAVE SOME NEWS FOR YOU Joe Biden is not that person.

We live in perilous times in the short history of humanity and the long history of planet Earth. SAFE CANDIDATE?? The world is in a 5-alarm blaze, and this guy is hanging out in Firehouse 350 eating ice cream, taking pictures, and being "likable".

Leaders ignoring the need for bold leadership?? THAT's NOT LIKABLE and THAT's NOT SAFE.

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