Thursday, May 9, 2019

I Hope This Video Will Go Viral — This Is Neoliberalism ▶︎ Introducing the Invisible Ideology (Part 1)

I have been moved to share this again and again because of the broad view it offers us into the larger picture that is so vital for us all to see. This video is well articulated, illuminating, and deeply important. 

It is my belief that we live in times when we can no longer afford our illusions. I do believe that Emma Goldman's wise words are accurate "The most violent element in a society is ignorance." In coming to recognize and own layer upon layer of my own ignorance, indoctrination, and illusions, I am experiencing in an ongoing way the blessings, wisdom, and consciousness that are the gifts of courage, truth-seeking, and disillusionment. My shadow work began 35 years ago with my personal inner work related to childhood trauma, addictions, and unearthing and making conscious so much of what have been the blind spots rooted in my own defenses, wounds, and unconsciousness. Since 9-11 in particular, this shadow work has expanded to include an ever growing circle of caring that extends now to include all of life. And, wow!, I have discovered how disconnected and ignorant I have been. It is a deeply humbling and healing process. And there is no blame or shame in this — we all have our blind spots and illusions. What is needed today, I believe, is for courage to be contagious, the courage that takes us into our individual and collective shadow work.

There are many different pieces of this greater mosaic of what has brought our nation and the planet to a precipice in which all of life on Earth is now threatened with extinction due to human activity. It is my belief that learning about neoliberalism — the waters in which we all swim — is one essential part of breaking free from that which causes so much suffering, inequality, violence, war, poverty, polarization, addiction, wealth disparity, greed, global warming, fear, separation, environmental destruction, and on and on. We cannot set ourselves free from that which we do not know exists. And we cannot heal and transform the blaming, shaming, and divisions of the toxic politics of polarization of left/right, Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal, etc. without the perspective of a much larger picture. 

The extreme crises and threats to life on Earth that we face today did not just emerge with the election of Donald Trump. It is my belief that there are many layers to our human shadows and also to our human evolution and awakening. This is one vital piece. Please consider watching and sharing

Thank you. — Molly

From my original blog post:

Neoliberalism is an economic ideology that exists within the framework of capitalism. Over four decades ago, neoliberalism becomes the dominant economic paradigm of global society. In this video, we’ll trace the history of neoliberalism, starting with a survey of neoliberal philosophy and research, a historical reconstruction of the movement pushing for neoliberal policy solutions, witnessing the damage that neoliberalism did to its first victims in the developing world, and then charting neoliberalism infiltration of the political systems of the United States and the United Kingdom. Learn how neoliberalism is generating crises for humanity at an unprecedented rate.

Please go here for
This Is Neoliberalism: Introducing the Invisible Ideology (Part 1)

Please go here for
This is Neoliberalism: Introducing the Invisible Ideology (Part 2)

From Part I:
"In its most basic form, neoliberalism is an economic ideology that exists within the framework of capitalism… We live in a world that’s been dominated by neoliberalism for close to four decades… Yet, one of the most fascinating elements of neoliberalism is how its ideas, its rise, its ensuing power, and even its very existence are still unknown to most people today… In a society that’s been neoliberal for as long as ours has, this is extraordinary. As a columnist for The Guardian, George Monbiot has astutely observed — living in the United States, the United Kingdom, or virtually any other country on Earth without knowing what neoliberalism is is akin to living in the Soviet Union without ever having heard of communism."
Henry Giroux states: 
For those of you wondering how to explain the meaning of neoliberalism to yourself, friends, or students, here is a fabulous video that makes clear what this poisonous ideology is all about, how it works, and the toxic consequences it has for most people. See: Also, see part 2.


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