Thursday, May 9, 2019

I Hope This Video Will Go Viral — America in Denial: Gabor Maté on the Psychology of Russiagate

WOW!!! This is brilliant! And incredible! Amazing how it feels incredible when the nuances and depth and many layers of our human experience — and which go way beyond the polarities of Democrats versus Republicans are given voice and articulated so truthfully and with such compassion, consciousness, and wisdom. I would love to see this go viral.
This is also deep medicine for all of us who, whether we know it or not (and especially if we don’t), are experiencing trauma. I am just so beyond grateful to have someone speak to my experience, and I believe the experience of so many of us, who have been living with illusions — and how the antidote to illusion is being brave enough to allow ourselves to be disillusioned. So true! Yes, we can be grateful for the blessing of disillusionment! Today I get this. Such a vital and wise teaching.
And deep thanks to my friend Jane Manning for sharing this video. I’m so very grateful to my friends like Jane and all the courageous teachers, wisdom holders, truth-tellers, and awakening human beings can inspire us all with their courage to be in the world with our eyes, minds, and and hearts wide. If others can be brave, so can I! May courage and disillusionment, healing and truth, and wisdom and awakening be contagious!
I am also moved to share Jane's spot on comments:
"We should be glad to be disillusioned."
This video is brilliant.
Have long been a fan of Gabor Mate's work and wisdom around trauma. In the last two years, have also followed the great journalism of his son, Aaron Maté.
This 27 minute discussion between Gabor and Aaron has profound wisdom, compassion and insight into the psychology of the US, and of ourselves and our world.
Bless us all — Molly

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