Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Senator Sanders Response to the Demand For a Wall

Spot on! Molly

SENBERNIE SANDERS: President Trump tonight has told us why he believes we need the wall. It gives me no pleasure to tell you what most of you already know, and that is that President Trump lies all of the time. And in his remarks tonight and in recent weeks, regarding immigration and the wall, he continues to lie.
Just a few examples. Trump has told the American people several hundred times—and he mentioned it tonight—that Mexico would pay for the wall. That’s a lie. If this wall were to be built, Mexico would not pay for it, American taxpayers would.
Trump said that thousands and thousands of terrorists are entering the United States from the southern border. That is also a lie. According to a State Department report released in September, quote, “At year’s end there was no credible evidence indicating that international terrorist groups have … sent operatives via Mexico into the United States,” end of quote. That’s not Bernie Sanders’s opinion; that is a direct quote from Trump’s own State Department.
Trump recently said that some ex-presidents told him that they should have built a wall. That is a lie. All four living ex-presidents have stated clearly that they never talked to Trump about their desire to build a wall.
Trump said that we need a wall to prevent heroin, fentanyl and other illegal drugs from coming into the country. Another lie. According to Donald Trump’s own Drug Enforcement Administration, the most common method Mexican cartels use to transport illegal drugs over the Southwest border is through legal ports of entry using passenger vehicles. And on and on it goes.
For a larger picture, please go here for the full interview on Democracy Now! with Oscar Chacón, executive director of Alianza Americas, an immigrant rights group based in Chicago:

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