Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Olivia Oso: A Prayer To Begin This New Day

This is a beautiful prayer written by my dear longtime friend and soulful sister, Olivia Oso, which my heart moves me to share. Please go here for Olivia's blog and the original: Please also go here for Olivia's marketplace where her paintings can be viewed and/or purchased: Blessed be.  — Molly

A Prayer to begin this new day: 

I greet this beautiful sun rising in the East and I say thank you for another day…for the Fire in my heart,

I turn to the South and I think of Loved ones..families and friends and my Heart is full and grateful for all the blessings of love and support… and to Pachamama for giving me everything to sustain Life…

I turn to the West and I am grateful for Living waters... for the invitation to go inward and drink for the Holy well of Life and receive the purification to mind, soul and  body.

I turn to the North and give thanks to the Ancestors... to the bones of the Ancient Ones who are looking this way and blessing us. I give thanks for Holy Breath and the air particles of all who came before us…

and I look to the Heavens and I remember the stardust within me and my place in the Cosmic Matrix and I thank the Angels, guides, winged-ones who bless me….

and I look to the Earth upon which I stand and give thanks to Her and this body which is the temple of my soul…

and then I turn inward into my Heart space and I remember She Who created me and say Thank You…

Help me live this one Precious Life and guide me in all my actions to be in Right alignment with my Life Force and open my Heart to what Life brings to me…

and I bow in deep Gratitude to the Beloved.  

ah ho, Pilamaya…..

Olivia Marie 


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