Monday, November 5, 2018

Poverty Does Not Exist Because We Cannot Feed the Poor

The wealthiest among us - such as the 8 or 6 human beings who own as much wealth as half the global population, or the 3 human beings who hold as much wealth as half the population of the United States - are in late stage addiction to power and greed. How else can one explain their devastating lack of humanity, morality, compassion, caring, wisdom, and their actions which pose a dire threat to life on Earth? It’s so ridiculous to state that there isn’t enough for all! There is! There is enough to provide for the basic needs of all humans, enough to stop the 6th great extinction that we’re in, enough to transition from fossil fuels to renewables, enough to end endless war, enough to radically change the old stories - which fuel fear and scarcity, separation and suffering, dehumanization and the politics of polarization, death and destruction - to new stories which value and respect and care for life, all life. We humans are capable of evolving and becoming part of the Great Awakening that is trying to unfold in our nation and around the world. The time is now, and it begins with each and every one of us. Tag, we’re all it! — Molly

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