Monday, November 5, 2018

A Prayer

Prayers for the highest good for us all. Prayers for each of us who are able to take ongoing steps to alleviate the suffering within ourselves and others. Prayers that we humans may remember our interrelatedness with all our human sisters and brothers, with all beings, and with Mother Earth. Prayers that we will grow more and more deeply rooted in our spiritual practices - whatever that may be - and the work of strengthening our hearts, minds, souls. Prayers that we will be mindful of our triggers, thoughts, words, belief systems, and actions and that we will use the power of our voices and what we do for ourselves and others in ways that nourish and strengthen consciousness, peace, love, wisdom, healing, caring, courage, and compassion. Prayers that we will learn the gifts of the alchemist who finds the gifts hidden in dark places and brings the gifts we all carry within forward for ourselves and the benefit of all beings. In these frightening times may we channel and transform our fear and outrage and grief and trauma into that which contributes to the more beautiful and loving world that is possible. May it be so. 

Bless us all. — Molly

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