Thursday, October 18, 2018

Reflections on the Work of Creating a More Just and Caring World

This is also yet one more face of toxic late stage corporate capitalism and toxic late stage addiction to power and greed. It is vital, I believe, to repeatedly illuminate the shadow side of our nation and the American government and beyond.

I also need to affirm that the vast crises that we face here in America and around the world have not just arisen in the Trump era. This is the result of turning away today and historically from the larger pictures and consciousness of suffering and violence, propaganda and brainwashing, and trauma and oppression that have been vital for us as human beings to bring our courageous consciousness to for so long. 

I believe it is crucial for each of us to strengthen our hearts and our minds so that we are increasingly empowered to not turn away, to not be sucked into smaller pictures and polarizing propaganda and returning hatred with more hatred, to channel our outrage and anger and fear and grief into belief systems and actions that help rather than harm, to bravely  and compassionately lift the veils of our own ignorance and illusions, and to nourish whatever it is that helps us to grow into our greater Selves. 

This is not about being a Democrat or Republican or any other polarity that is used by those in positions of power to separate us. Divided, we are a conquered people.  This is about being human, about recognizing our inherent connection with one another and all of life, and about the deep spiritual consciousness that your suffering and joy are also mine. 

We are truly all related. And we all need each other in this struggle to create a more just, sustainable, kind, and peaceful world.  

Bless us all — Molly

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