Sunday, October 21, 2018

Pema Chödrön: The Most Rich and Powerful Times of Our Lives

Deep bow of gratitude to my beautiful, courageous, and wise youngest son, Matthew, who gave me this quote yesterday as we enjoyed an afternoon in the wilderness. May we all embrace the courage and commitment to open to those places which scare us, to wading into unfamiliar territory, to the openness required to grow into the wisdom, compassion, love, integrity, and beauty of our greater Selves. This process does indeed ask of us to enter doorways into our deeper hearts, minds, souls that scare us and that we resist. And yet nothing could be more important. And especially in these times. Bless us all. Molly 

 There comes a time when the bubble of ego is 
popped and you can’t get the ground back 
for an extended period of time. 
Those times, when you absolutely cannot 
get it back together, are the most rich 
and powerful times in our lives.
Pema Chodron
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