Monday, March 19, 2018

Ruth Bebermeyer: Words Are Windows (or They're Walls)

May we all work to increasingly recognize the inner and outer walls we build, often unknowingly or with justification, and use this mindful awareness as the opportunity to stop and make new choices which add to the peace within ourselves and our world rather than the harm and suffering. I have found that mindfulness of my harsh inner critic and judging mind offers me that exact opportunity I need to transform these obstacles, these walls I build, into the consciousness, empathy, and compassion needed to continuously grow into the greater wholeness that is present within myself. This part of of ourselves that is Awake is always there. May we connect more and more deeply with the windows of awareness, compassion, healing, wisdom, and love that are so needed. Bless us all, no exceptions. Molly
Words Are Windows (or They’re Walls)
I feel so sentenced by your words
I feel so judged and sent away
Before I go I got to know
Is that what you mean to say?
Before I rise to my defense,
Before I speak in hurt or fear,
Before I build that wall of words,
Tell me, did I really hear?
Words are windows, or they’re walls,
They sentence us, or set us free.
When I speak and when I hear,
Let the love light shine through me.
There are things I need to say,
Things that mean so much to me,
If my words don’t make me clear,
Will you help me to be free?
If I seemed to put you down,
If you felt I didn’t care,
Try to listen through my words
To the feelings that we share.
Ruth Bebermeyer
From the book NonViolent Communication:
A Language of Life 

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