Saturday, March 17, 2018

My Mama and Me: Our Family Is Going In a Different Direction Now

The Sun Feels So Good
From March 14, 2018

I joined my mother today at lunchtime. After everyone else had left her table, I asked how she was doing today. “I’m feeling down.” And I could feel this heaviness about my mom. She then said she feels badly about feeling down because I was there. Then I get to gently hug her and look into her eyes and say, “I love being with you, Mama, whether you’re up or down or however you’re feeling because I just love you.” Mom perks up a little, but remarks that she has a “bad attitude.” I respond that I can relate and have been working on my attitude for some time. Mom perks up more. “Oh, how do you work on your attitude?” I answer, “Well, I have this gratitude practice where I remember every day things that I have to be grateful for. And I’ve had a lot of therapy.” Mom smiles slightly. I go on to say, “I’ve had this pretty critical part of myself, like Nana (my grandmother) had and many of us have, but now I get to be more kind to myself and others.” Mom says, “You sure are!” And I affirm that “our family is going in a different direction now and we’re just all being kinder and talking with each other about things that matter.” Mom says, “That’s so important.” I agree and ask if she knows why she’s feeling down? “No.” I affirm that’s okay and sometimes we all feel down and don’t know why. “What’s most important is that you’re sharing what’s happening for you and being accepted and loved right where you’re at.” My mother smiles. And we go outside in the garden area and sit quietly together and hold hands. Mom says repeatedly, “The sun feels so good.” The simple moments are everything. Molly  

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