Saturday, March 17, 2018

My Mama and Me: Gratitude For the Power of Miracle, Grace, and Love

 It's So Peaceful...
From March 11, 2018

It was approaching 70 degrees this afternoon as my mother and I settled in for an hour of basking in our first time of the year out in the garden area of her assisted living. Mostly we just sat holding hands, eyes closed, and in silence together. Every now and then my mama would break the silence. “It’s so peaceful... It’s so wonderful you can spend all this time with me... I’m so happy that you’re happily married... It’s so peaceful... How did you meet Ron again? Was it online?... The gentle breeze... It’s so peaceful... Yes, so precious (our time together)...” And we’d squeeze hands or kiss each other’s hands or just smile softly. Deep bow of gratitude for each moment and for the power of miracles and Grace and Love. Molly

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