Friday, September 8, 2017

Let Us Be the Change That Heals the Earth and It's People

Deep bow of gratitude to Douglas Taylor for this eloquent and much needed reflection. Our strong, conscious, courageous, and passionately caring voices and actions are urgently needed at this time. These are the voices and actions which heal and awaken rather than harm and collude in the ignorance and greed that threatens us all. May each of us increasingly assume what it is that we bring individually and collectively to the Great Awakening on our Sacred Earth Mother. We all are needed to stand in protection of life itself. We are needed now, here, today and in all the days to come. The children for the next 7 generations and beyond, those alive in 200 years, will look back to us in these times in gratitude or profound despair. Let us choose wisely what it is that our legacy will be. — Molly

Here I stand meditating on the unprecedented fires, floods, and hurricanes and the carnage ensuing.
We make products to sell, just to throw away, so we can justify a "job" for those able to find one, or two, or three. As the planet warms, and destroys.
All the while the position of our earths orbit attempts to garner a cooler earth temperature, but hasn't. It has encountered the bigoted wall that says to it, "Submit to me. I am free to do as I please."
People build, rent, buy, and squat in the only places they can afford, often on flood plains, and the populous exclaims "oh what a horrible tragedy" when they drown and/or lose everything. We save some, then pat ourselves on the back exclaiming how wonderful we are.
Governments give lip service to those that are their own Nations pretending that they should be respected, then they trample their ancestral lands because they have something their greed wants to take.
When will enough be enough?
The sad, relentless, drone of corporate manipulation continues over the air waves, and the internet, from professional trolls exclaiming, "There is no proof! The earth always corrects itself." They are right in one thing. It will "correct itself."
People modify trucks that pump black exhaust into the air as if to bellow "I am king of the world," flying confederate flags, as the earth, figuratively, laughs, and weeps at them, knowing they will die, likely sooner than later.
And people sit idly by as it all happens, thinking that their vote, once every few years, will matter in the end, when the odds are stacked against any opposition to the destruction of our planet.
Unrestrained cultist Capitalists claim to be Liberals and "so called liberals" accept the status quo, easily bowing to the almighty dollar and it's influence. Money making money with no consideration as to its morality, and absolutely no benefit to the earth.
Perhaps the earth will spit us out after all. Perhaps it will give rise to better inhabitants; Ones who care more for the children's empty stomachs, and fighting injustice, than they care about who "marries" who. Inhabitants who love in deed instead of ideology.
Yes, this earth may correct itself. Do you want your children to receive the wages of that correction? I don't.
Consider wisdom. Is what you believe actually true? No really. Is it Actually true? Is caring for one another a socialist conspiracy? Has what you have been told permeated your mind whether it is true or not? Do you believe what you believe because it's what you were always told?
There isn't much time. It's time to wake from our slumber. The earth is awake and it will be relentless. Let us be the change that heals the earth and it's people.

— Douglas Taylor

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