Thursday, September 7, 2017

Joanna Macy: What Comes Into View When We See With New Eyes

Today I opened one of my books by Joanna Macy and this is the paragraph on the page I had randomly selected that I had highlighted when I first read the book. How incredibly appropriate and needed at this moment in time. We are all related, all connected, all in this together. May we each actively be engaged in healing ourselves and our beautiful Earth Mother. Molly

What comes into view when we see with new eyes is this interdependence. There is no such thing as a "self-made man" or a "self-made woman": while we play a role in making ourselves, we are also made by each other and our world. When hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes sweep away illusions of self-sufficiency, we're reminded how much we need one another, how much we depend not only on people but also on the larger web of life. We treat people with a different kind of respect when we consider that they might someday be pulling us out of the rubble. We treat the rest of life with a different kind of respect when we consider that without it, we wouldn't be here at all.

— Joanna Macy
Excerpted from Active Hope: How to Face the Mess
We're In Without Going Crazy

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