Saturday, November 5, 2016

James O'Dea: Prayer for the Soul of America

May we share in our deepest hearts this beautiful prayer. 
Gratitude for all who remind us of what we may have forgotten 
and what most matters.  ~ Molly💜

Prayer for the Soul of America

Let Light prevail in America --the kind of light
in which we see our oneness.

Let Harmony prevail in America--the kind of harmony
in which we celebrate our great diversity.

Let the Way of Nature prevail in America-- the kind of Way of Nature
that restores the health of air, oceans and forests.

Let Peace prevail in America--the kind of peace
that breathes freedom and true justice for all.

Let Compassion prevail in America--the kind of compassion
that dissolves shaming and blaming.

Let the union of economy and ecology prevail in America--the kind
of union of economy and ecology that serves
the sustainability of all in the web of life.

Let imagination and the spirit of creativity prevail in America—the kind
of imagination and spirit of creativity that shines a light on our
better angels and how to evolve our dance together.

Let Love prevail in America-- the kind of love that reaches out
generously to a suffering world and which refuses
to lose hope in a planetary civilization rooted
in the power of collective love.
- James O'Dea

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