Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reflections On Growing Our Hearts Bigger

At times, it all seems so simple, so basic. We need to be kind. We need to care about one another. We need to hold ourselves and others with compassion and remembrance of how connected we all are.

And, yet, how true it also is that growing our hearts bigger is often not an easy task. Especially when there is so much that can put us back to sleep. Even something as silly as the "war on Christmas" can pull us in.

We also have choices. It is true that each and every one of us - including me! - can commit to trying to increasingly know when we've been triggered, when we've been hooked, when we find the anger welling up inside against some Other, some me vs you, us vs them. And we can try, as best as possible, to stop and intervene on ourselves. And say, Oh, there I go again... getting hooked, buying into the polarizations, into the Great Distraction and the pull away from coming together... including within our own fragmented selves.

Divided we are a conquered people - in our minds, in our hearts, in our actions... or lack of actions. Which is not helpful to me, to you, or to anyone.

I am very much also speaking to myself each time I reflect on issues and triggers and polarities and how human I am along with the rest of us. I need these reminders. I need this healing, this recognition of how my heart has been wounded, has been caught up in a culture that too often does not teach love and understanding and compassion. I need these reminders to stay open, to not shut down, to not get stuck in my judgments, anger, fear, and sense of separateness. I need to work to channel my reactions into skillful responses, ones which help rather than harm. Don't we all? 

We're not going to get through and out of this Great Mess unless we become, more and more, part of the Great Turning, the Great Awakening, the Great Heart that weaves through us all. We truly are all in this together.

Peace & blessings ~ Molly 

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