Sunday, November 22, 2015

Jeremy Scahill: If We Are Going To Kill Our Own People

Blessed are the courageous truth-tellers.
May they inform and inspire us all.

Ever since hearing George Bush state in the wake of 9-11 that "they attacked us for our freedoms," I responded to what I deeply felt was a lie by passionately pursuing the truth. Then, I truly had no idea why we were attacked, but I wanted and needed to find out! This extraordinary journey has been teaching me how to follow threads by learning how to follow the money and learning how to discern who to trust for information and who not to trust. I had no idea what a propagandized people we Americans are, including me! This continues to be a gradual awakening which has been humbling with each new fact and piece of awareness and knowledge, which has again and again put me face to face with the depths of my own ignorance. Over these past 14 years I have increasingly read everything I could get my hands on, learned to tune into programs like "Alternative Radio" with David Barsamiam and "Democracy Now!" with Amy Goodman, and I have had the privilege and honor of seeing amazing and couragous people speak who would come to Portland. Jeremy Scahill is certainly among them. So many have been teaching me and helping me to awaken to that, indeed!, another world is possible. And it is up to each and every one of us to do our part, whatever that may be, in assisting with this great birth that is trying to happen within each of our minds and hearts and all over the world.
Peace & blessings - Molly

With Jeremy Scahill in Portland

Three weeks after he climbed out the kitchen window, the boy was outdoors with his cousins—teenagers like him—laying a picnic for dinner beneath the stars. It was then he would have heard the drones approaching, followed by the whiz of the missiles. It was a direct hit. The boy and his cousins were blown to pieces. All that remained of the boy was the back of his head, his flowing hair still clinging to it. The boy had turned sixteen years old a few weeks earlier and now he had been killed by his own government. He was the third US citizen to be killed in operations authorized by the president in two weeks. The first was his father. 

If we are going to kill our own people without charging them with a crime, well, then we should just say we live in a different country, and stop telling the world that we're the great, shining city on the hill. 

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