Wednesday, June 24, 2015

William Rivers Pitt | Killing a Nation With Euphemisms: TPP-Eats-Medicare Edition

By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

President Barack Obama leaves a meeting with House Democrats on Capitol Hill, next to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), center, in Washington, June 12, 2015. The existence of the Trade Adjustment Assistance bill - which will draw $450 million from Medicare to provide "assistance" for those losing their jobs because of the Trans-Pacific Partnership - underscores that people in DC know the trade bill will be a job-destroyer in the US. (Photo: Stephen Crowley/The New York Times)President Barack Obama leaves a meeting with House Democrats on Capitol Hill, June 12, 2015. The existence of the Trade Adjustment Assistance bill - which will draw $450 million from Medicare to provide "assistance" for those losing their jobs because of the Trans-Pacific Partnership - underscores that people in DC know the trade bill will be a job destroyer in the US. (Photo: Stephen Crowley/The New York Times)
This week, legislation to give President Obama fast-track trade agreement authority (TPA) will take its star turn in the GOP-controlled Senate. The cloture vote is said to be taking place on Tuesday, and if the 60-vote threshold is reached, the final vote on the bill will happen the same day, or on Wednesday.
More importantly, however, is the following vote, scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday, on "Trade Adjustment Assistance," (TAA), also known as the "We sent your job to a Pacific Rim sweatshop in a country with no labor laws where people work for $2 a day during 18-hour shifts making the clothes you used to be able to afford before we laid you off, so here's ten dollars so you can take in a movie and get your mind off things, but no popcorn for you" bill.
In other words, TAA is a bill to provide "assistance" for all the people who are absolutely going to lose their jobs if the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement (TPP) passes ... and the passage of that trade bill is what all this TPA and TAA mishigas has been about.
"Trade Adjustment Assistance" ... isn't language just such wonderfully malleable putty? It would not in any way surprise me if, somewhere in the dank bowels of a building in Washington DC, there exists a think tank solely dedicated to the crafting and deployment of crass yet terribly effective euphemisms. "The Clear Skies Initiative," also known as "Let the polluters pollute as much as they want." "No Child Left Behind," also known as "Conformity over creativity and critical thinking." "PATRIOT Act," also known as "We're watching you, bub."
And now, this. You're not fired, laid off, outsourced, downsized, removed, erased, kicked to the curb, bounced, deleted, expunged, cut, dismissed, chucked, or even screwed. Nope. You've been "trade adjusted," right out onto the sidewalk with a box of your stuff in your arms and a disorienting buzzing noise rattling the inside of your skull. Such a kind euphemism for so traumatic an event. The boys in the bowels of that building sure put the work in on that one.
Let's say the TPA survives cloture and is passed ... and let's even say that Mitch McConnell trips over his soul in the men's room and actually allows a vote on TAA, and it survives cloture and then passes ... guess what? The money to "assist" people who suffer "trade adjustment" upon passage of the TPP will come from ...
Wait for it ...
Wait for it ...
That's right! Probably the most successful, well-run social program in US history will take it in the teeth to help support people who lose their jobs to the trade bill that necessitated this "assistance" in the first place.
... and here's the best part. The original plan was to "sequester" - another brilliantly vile euphemism - about $700 million per year from Medicare to fund "assistance" for everyone who gets "trade adjusted" by the TPP. Republicans balked at the number, not because it was stealing from Medicare, but because it was Just Another Government Welfare Program Argle Bargle Blah. After a series of negotiations between congressional Democrats, Republicans and the White House, they settled on carving out $450 million per year to "assist" the "trade adjusted."
It's beautiful, in the way an avalanche on a snow-capped mountain is beautiful before it buries and smothers you.

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