Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Guns Cannot Protect Us From Ourselves

There are so many reflections and realities regarding the shadow side of America. This quote by John Oliver illuminates what is certainly among the most glaring. 

My deep ongoing prayer is that more and more of us will have the courage and the caring to wake up to increasingly see our illusions, distortions, harmful beliefs, judgments, fears, projections, unresolved wounds AND choose something different. 

We are all immersed in a profound level of propaganda here in this culture, and none of us escapes being impacted. American society is a functioning paradox, proclaiming high ideals and "exceptionalism" while often ignoring all evidence to the contrary. That said, we can embrace and transform the obstacles which block us, our families, our communities, our nation and world from awakening and remembering what is truly most important. We can all learn to live more authentically, more aligned with who we are and the deepest values we hold in our hearts and souls.

Guns cannot protect us from ourselves. Only we can do that... by waking up and doing the hard work of peeling back the veils of our fears and distortions, our unhealthy coping skills, and the harmful stories which no longer serve us or anyone else. Another world is possible. And it begins within our own hearts.  

Peace & blessings ~ Molly

Photo by Molly
heart emoticon

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