Monday, March 16, 2015

David Richo: The Real Success

I can not measure my success by how much steadfast love I have, 
not by how much money I have in the bank, how much I 
achieve in business, or how much power I have over others. 
Expressing my full and unique capacity to love is 
becoming the central focus of my life.

Our values become more spiritually sound as we focus on showing love rather than on gaining control over others. Each of us has a unique handwriting, a unique ability in art, a unique way of working. We can become enormously interested in what our artful working signature of love might look like, the specific brand of love that is in us. This search leads to our stretching ourselves to go the extra mile in how we show love, to go to greater lengths in our generosity, to love beyond our immediate circle of friendships into the wider world. Our commitment is to make this practice of stretching our way of loving as important as regular physical stretching and exercise. This daily, hourly vow may help:

May I show all the love I have
in every way I can
To everyone I meet
In every here and now.

- David Richo, Everyday Commitments:
Choosing a Life of Love, Realism, and Acceptance 

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