Tuesday, December 31, 2013

From Our Home To Yours - Brightest Wishes for 2014!

 Our home and altar - For the Children, for Peace

  Our Letter...

Warmest greetings and wishes for the New Year!
2013 has been an extraordinary year! In the midst of the sweetness of everyday life, there has been great change, challenge, joy, miracles, love. Among the highlights -- In August, Molly’s oldest son Brian married his beautiful Marita. One month later, on September 14th, Ron and Molly married! Then, just before Christmas and following a year long legal struggle for permanent guardianship of her mother, Molly was able to prevail and bring her mom home for good to live near our family in the Pacific Northwest. WOW! So many gifts, sometimes very difficult to walk through, but always - in the larger picture - a gift. We hope that 2013 has been wonderful for you in all the ways that most matter.

Now yet another New Year is upon us. And the question, posed beautifully by poet Mary Oliver, once again arises for new inquiry: “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Perhaps live with ever greater gratitude, love, presence, compassion, laughter, courage and kindness. 
Wishing you harmony within your heart and that 2014 may bring great blessing to you, your loved ones, and all beings.
Brightest wishes ~ Molly & Ron

May we ourselves welcome the year to come with open arms. 
May each new day bring us full aliveness and great peace of heart! 
And in the end, may we be able to say with Mary Oliver: 
 ”I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, 
taking the world into my arms.” 
This is what I wish you at this season.

- Brother David Steindl-Rast

 Robert Beatty marries Ron & Molly
 Marita & Brian
 Nancy & Molly
Ron & Molly with all the "kids": Kevin & Kristin, Brian & Marita, Matt, and Alli

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