Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Pledge for Grateful Living

What a lovely intention to mindfully embrace the New Year and each day with. 
May we be bearers of gratitude, healing, harmony, peace and love.  
♥ Molly

Br. David Steindl-Rast

A Pledge for Grateful Living 

 Bro. David Steindl-Rast O.S.B.

  • In thanksgiving for life, I pledge
    to overcome the illusion of ENTITLEMENT
    by reminding myself that everything is gift
    and, thus, to live GRATEFULLY.
  • In thanksgiving for life, I pledge
    to overcome my GREED, 
    that confuses wants with needs,
    by trusting that enough for all our needs is given to us
    and to share GENEROUSLY 
    what i so generously receive.
  • In thanksgiving for life, I pledge
    to overcome APATHY
    by waking up to the opportunities 
    that a given moment offers me
    and so to respond CREATIVELY to every situation.
  • In thanksgiving for life, I pledge
    to overcome VIOLENCE
    by observing that fighting violence by violence 
    leads to more violence and death
    and, thus, to foster life by acting NON-VIOLENTLY.
  • In thanksgiving to life, i pledge
    to overcome FEAR which is the root of all violence
    by looking at whatever i fear as an opportunity
    and, thus, COURAGEOUSLY to lay the foundation 
    for a peaceful future.

    Offered at Thanksgiving Square, July 2008 
  • from  http://www.gratefulness.org/readings/dsr_pledge_gl.htm

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