Sunday, September 1, 2013

We Are the Rocks Dancing

When humans investigate and see through their layers of anthropocentric self-cherishing, a most profound change in consciousness begins to take place. Alienation subsides. The human is no longer an outsider apart. Your humanness is then recognized as merely the most recent stage of your existence; as you stop identifying exclusively with this chapter, you start to get in touch with yourself as vertebrate, as mammal, as species only recently emerged from the rainforest. As the fog of amnesia disperses, there is a transformation in your relationship to other species and in your commitment to them... The thousands of years of imagined separation are over and we can begin to recall our true nature; that is, the change is a spiritual one - thinking like a mountain, sometimes referred to as deep ecology. As your memory improves... there is an identification with all life... Remember our childhood as rocks, as lava? Rocks contain the potentiality to weave themselves into such stuff as this. We are the rocks dancing.

- John Seed

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