Monday, September 2, 2013

Tara Brach: Wholeness, Wakefulness and Love

D. H. Lawrence described our Western culture as being like a great uprooted tree with its roots in the air. "We are perishing for lack of fulfillment of our greater needs," he wrote, "we are cut off from the great sources of our inward nourishment and renewal." We come alive as we rediscover the truth of our goodness and our natural connectedness to all of life. Our "greater needs" are met in relating lovingly with each other, relating with full presence to each moment, relating to the beauty and pain that is within and around us. As Lawrence said, "We must plant ourselves again in the universe.

Although the trance of feeling separate and unworthy is an inherent part of our conditioning as humans, so too is our capacity to awaken. We free ourselves from the prison of trance as we stop the war against ourselves and, instead, learn to relate to our lives with a wise and compassionate heart... When we learn to cultivate Radical Acceptance, we begin to rediscover the garden - a forgotten but cherished place of wholeness, wakefulness and love.

- Tara Brach, Ph.D., from Radical Acceptance:
Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha

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